Feature length documentary, Goldie pays homage to an art movement that has stood the test of time and shaped his life. Growing out of poverty and disaffected youth culture in America to now being a multi-billion dollar movement, Street Art has come of age. Filmed in USA, Europe and UK.
Goldie: The Art That Made Me
90mins - Sky Arts and International Distribution
Available to watch here.
Feature length documentary, Goldie pays homage to the grafitti art movement that has stood the test of time and shaped his life. Growing out of poverty and disaffected youth culture in America to now being a multi-billion dollar movement influencing typography, fashion and music; street art has come of age. Filmed in USA, Europe and UK.
‘Director Lauren Jacobs does a riveting job with a difficult life saved by art, and the growing cultural heft of the graffiti scene, from the canvasses of the New York subway to one of the most influential movements of the 20th century. Goldie is sincere and the men of the Wolverhampton and Miami scenes are his lifelong brothers in spray-can-toting arms.’ - The Sunday Times